Whilst our practice offering psychotherapy hypnotherapy and counselling in the city of Salisbury, we have seen a great many changes over the years at Mustard Therapy & Coaching. Even the style in which we work has adapted to the changing world we live in. One thing that hasn't changed in our work with our adult and children clients, is the constant of what children need. Our...
I recently saw a couple who had conceived with the help of Hypnotherapy for Fertility. The woman was aged 40 and sadly had suffered 5 miscarriages in 4 years. The couple talk about how they were taught to relax and to be more at ease with what...
For decades, the hypnotherapy profession has worked hard to legitimise itself and leave the parlour trick stage hypnosis image in the past. With so much research into the efficacy of hypnosis in medical and psychological worlds, for decades, the...