We believe that as many as people as possible should have the choice of accessing therapy. Therefore we keep our fees as low as possible.
Fees are currently £72 per 1-hour session; £57 for 45 minutes session (for children and young people up to age 16).
Sharon is registered as a provider with 'BUPA' and the National Health Service and your sessions may be eligible for payment by them.
BUPA provider number 30020119
NHS Provider code 8G725
Prior to starting treatment, we offer all clients an initial consultation on request. This can either take place in our Salisbury practice or by telephone.
The purpose of this is to enable you as a prospective client to make an informed decision as to whether to enter a course of treatment.
It also helps the therapist to decide whether therapy is appropriate for the presenting issue you want assistance with.
If taken up, the face-to-face appointment is 30 minutes long, with no charge made for attending. Following the consultation, there is no obligation to begin treatment.
If you are on a low income, we will be happy to discuss a small reduction in charges.